TMCP 152: Barry Rowan on The Spiritual Art of Business
Have you ever wondered if you can make an effective kingdom impact if you're not in full-time Christian ministry? Barry Rowan certainly believes you can.

Barry Rowan is a Harvard Business School graduate who spent his entire career serving in C-Suite roles. He has been instrumental in building and transforming eight businesses, primarily in the technology and communication space, with one selling for $10 billion. His leadership experience spans both private and public companies, including Gogo (the inflight connectivity company), Vonage, Nextel Partners, and Fluke Corporation.
Based on his belief in giving back, Barry serves on both for-profit and non-profit boards, mentors young leaders, and leads international study trips. His non-profit boards have included InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Seattle Pacific University, Gordon College, the Gonzaga University Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, and advisory boards for Harvard Business School. He also served as president of Bellevue Christian School.
Episode Talking Points:
- Christian Leadership
- Surrender
- Who is God?
- Sacrifice
- Success as a Christian
- Wrestling with God