What Should Be Our Motivation for Missional Living?
Do you think of yourself as a missionary or missional person? For many in and outside the church today, the term missionary has negative connotations. However, God is a missional or sending God.

Do you think of yourself as a missionary or missional person? For many in and outside the church today, the term missionary has negative connotations. However, God is a missional or sending God.
Jesus cast his bread in pursuit of relationships. The preacher of Ecclesiastes cast his bread in pursuit of pleasure.
The major component missing in the preacher’s life was not the quantity of things but the quality of rich relationships.
The reason the preacher of Ecclesiastes lived an unfulfilled life was that he “cast his bread” in pursuit of a hollow return.
Get the big things right. And if you get them right, the rest of your life will fall into place.