The Daily Devotional
Imagine If Eternity Felt Like a Natural Transition
Our greatest desire in life should be to have a relationship with him so strong that eternity feels like a natural transition.
The Daily Devotional
Our greatest desire in life should be to have a relationship with him so strong that eternity feels like a natural transition.
The Daily Devotional
Jesus cast his bread in pursuit of relationships. The preacher of Ecclesiastes cast his bread in pursuit of pleasure.
The Daily Devotional
The major component missing in the preacher’s life was not the quantity of things but the quality of rich relationships.
The Daily Devotional
The reason the preacher of Ecclesiastes lived an unfulfilled life was that he “cast his bread” in pursuit of a hollow return.
Get the big things right. And if you get them right, the rest of your life will fall into place.
The Daily Devotional
It’s easy to let relationships slide. One day, we’ll be a better parent or friend. One day, we’ll figure out the whole God thing. One day, we’ll give to those in need. One day, we’ll mentor others. One day...
The Daily Devotional
“The good life is built with good relationships.” - Robert Waldinger
The Daily Devotional
We all have an invisible notecard that highlights our priorities. And we all make decisions based on what we value most.
The Daily Devotional
Life does have meaning, but it needs to be lived in the right way. You can find value in everything you do, but you have to start by getting the big rocks, the greatest priorities, in the right order.
The Daily Devotional
Get the big things right! And if you get them right, the rest of your life will fall into place.
The difference between a life-giving discipline and a death-giving discipline is perspective.
The Daily Devotional
The difference between a life-giving discipline and a death-giving discipline is perspective.