What is the Joseph Story Really About? (Genesis 37-41)

What comes to mind when you think of Joseph? The familiar story of Genesis 37-41 tells the tale of Jacob's son, Joseph, his descent into slavery, and his rise to second in command over all of Egypt. It is a tale of trafficking and triumph.

What is the Joseph Story Really About? (Genesis 37-41)

Genesis 37-41

Today's Scripture Passage

A Few Thoughts to Consider

What comes to mind when you think of Joseph?

The familiar story of Genesis 37-41 tells the tale of Jacob's son, Joseph, his descent into slavery, and his rise to second in command over all of Egypt. It is a tale of trafficking and triumph. Because of Jacob's love for his wife, Leah, over Rachel, Leah's children resent him and take out their anger on Joseph—Rachel's eldest son. 

If we were to share a talk on this passage, we could go in several directions. We could talk about dreams and how God has placed a dream in each of us and that while we face adversity, in the end, we will triumph and sit on the throne.

Or we could rightly note that this is a story on grave injustice, namely human trafficking. And we could, unfortunately, make the connection to today's human trafficking crisis. As Christine Caine writes, "Sex trafficking is happening. Forced labor is happening. Child trafficking is happening. The reality is: modern-day slavery exists."[1]

But there is a third and bigger story happening. Erik Raymond writes, "When we collect the details of Joseph's life we see a glorious reflection that closely mirrors another life we are so intimately familiar with."[2]

Joseph's life is a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ in several key aspects. Both Joseph and Jesus experienced betrayal and suffering, with Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers and Jesus being sold by Judas and then crucified. Despite their trials, both rose to positions of authority—Joseph in Egypt and Jesus in Heaven through his resurrection and ascension.