TMCP 95: Dan Sharp on Why the Christian Year Is So Important

Daniel Sharp has served as Minister of Music and Worship in Lexington, MA; Newport Beach, CA; Seattle, WA; San Diego, CA; and most recently in Orlando, FL. He is semi-retired after forty-two years in church ministry. He continues to sing with the Bach Festival Choir in Orlando. He holds the B.M.E. from Wheaton College, the M.M.E. from Drake University and a D.M.A. from the University of Southern California. He has done graduate studies at Fuller Theological Seminary and has served as an adjunct professor at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. He is the composer of the children’s Christmas musical, “Three Wee Kings”, as well as various articles forWorshipandCreator magazines. He has contributed toThe Complete Library of Christian Worship,The NIV Worship Bible, the Worship Leader’s Edition ofThe Worshiping Church, andTransforming Power. He also writes the popular Daily Devotionals (Advent to Epiphany and Lent to Pentecost, online at including selected music and prayers of past and current saints. He is a past president of the National Association of Church Musicians. He has been a founding faculty member teachingThe Christian Yearwith Dr. Jack VanMarion.
Episode Talking Points
Dan’s background in the Mennonite Church
Footwashing story
The Christian Year
God ordering time
Christ over time
Ash Wednesday
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