TMCP 180: Alain Emerson on How We Embody God's Story
This week Alain continues on the topic of encountering God and His story.

Alain is husband to Rachel and Dad to Annie, Erin and Finn. Alain has the privilege to serve as Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Church, oversee the Tobar Church Network in Ireland and serve as the Director of the 24-7 Prayer Communities Network. Alain is excited about seeing a ‘new thing’ happening in the nation of Ireland in these days. Other things he is passionate about are reading, hanging out with friends, most sports and Liverpool Football Club.
Key Points
00:00 Introduction and Importance of Understanding the Narrative of Scripture
00:39 The Role of Prayer in Embodying the God Story
08:06 Approaching the Bible as a Love Letter
21:38 The Importance of Community in the Christian Journey
25:48 Encountering God and Being Transformed