TMCP 162: Darryl Dash on How to Get the Most Out of Reading Your Bible
Are you experiencing a drought in reading scripture? Ever wondered about the best ways to approach scripture? In this episode, Darryl Dash brings insight and encouragement on reading the Bible.

In this conversation, Ezra Byer and Darryl Dash discuss how to develop a strong rhythm in reading the Bible and maintaining spiritual vibrancy. They explore the hiddenness of God and the importance of living by faith and responding like Jesus. They also address the relevance and impact of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, and how to approach hard passages. They emphasize the unique nature of Scripture and its transformative power. The conversation concludes with a message of hope for those experiencing spiritual drought.
- Developing a Strong Rhythm in Reading the Bible
- Maintaining Spiritual Vibrancy
- Understanding How to Read Scripture
- Engaging with the Old Testament
- Addressing Hard Passages in Scripture
- The Transformative Power of Scripture
- Spiritual Drought