This Christmas I Plan to Be Busy
I love this time of the year. I like to see the Christmas decorations, the retail stores busy with people choosing a gift for a family or friend, and I like to watch those cheesy Christmas movies about romance and love.
I am also one of those people who plans all-year-round what gifts I am going to get my loved ones and I begin to buy them and put them aside. I get my wrapping done before December. I am coordinating times and dates with people to meet up and gather.
Every Christmas I plan what I am going to do and I am busy.
But don’t let my planning and busyness fool you because although I love the lights, singing carols, drinking hot chocolate, and baking Christmas cookies, I plan to be busy in a different way. How so, you might ask? Here’s what I am talking about.
This Christmas, I plan to be busy searching and seeking Jesus. The same way the magi let the star, God provided to them, lead them to Christ is the same way I want to draw closer to him. I long for Christ to fill the deep void or pain I have experienced in life and let his power restore, heal, and infuse newness in my life.
This Christmas, I plan to be busy worshipping a king. A king who entered the world in a humble way to bestow his love upon us. When I am in my quiet time and worship service, I don’t just want to be there, I want to BE THERE, where my heart, mind, soul, and strength are in tune with God (Matthew 22: 37).
This Christmas, I plan to be busy exercising faith in God. Just like Mary had to do have faith when she learned the news that she was going to carry the Savior of the world, Jesus. Whatever plans God has spoken to me I want to have faith that God will carry them out because his plan for me is good (James 1: 17) and he will complete what he has started in my life (Philippians 1:6).
This Christmas, I plan to be busy letting God change my plans. The same way Joseph had to adapt to the new plan for his life when he learned that Mary was pregnant while they were engaged. Joseph planned to divorce Mary quietly, but God spoke to him through a dream. God encouraged him that his purpose was being accomplished even though at first Mary’s pregnancy was hurtful and didn’t make sense. In the end, God restored Joseph’s faith and allowed him to be part of something big. Although I too have experienced deep hurt and pain in my life, I desire to be open to God changing my plans. I am excited to see how God will restore the detours and disappointments in my life.
This Christmas, I plan to be busy giving God gifts. Similar to the wise men who gave gifts to Jesus when they saw him. They gave gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I want to give God my time, my love, and my talents. I desire to let God have all of me, as he has allowed me to have all of him.
You see, this Christmas I plan to be busy with family, friends, decorations, and entertainment, but above all, I plan to be busy in Christ. What about you?
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