The Call of Wisdom (Proverbs 1:20-33)
Many Christians believe in Christ but struggle with wisdom and discernment. Thus, when tough judgment calls or relational conflicts emerge, they’re caught flatfooted. The reason we need wisdom is that some answers to the challenges of our day aren’t black and white. They’re gray and nuanced.

Proverbs 1:20-33
Today's Scripture Passage
A Few Thoughts to Consider
What is wisdom?
Bruce Waltke writes, “In Proverbs, ‘wisdom’ mainly denotes the skill to navigate through the maze of life so that one conducts one’s life to the greatest benefit of oneself and the community.”[1] According to Timothy Keller, Wisdom “is making the right choice even when there are no clear moral laws telling you explicitly what to do.”[2]
Many Christians believe in Christ but struggle with wisdom and discernment. Thus, when tough judgment calls or relational conflicts emerge, they’re caught flatfooted. The reason we need wisdom is that some answers to the challenges of our day aren’t black and white. They’re gray and nuanced.
As Nicholas G. Piotrowski says, “Some decisions in life do not have ‘chapter and verse,’ but require sound thinking to draw together serval biblical teachings and relate them to several factors in life.”[3]
Verse 20 says, “Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice.” She is pleading with those who will listen. As Derek Kidner writes, “This passage is the first of many in which wisdom is personified.”[4] Wisdom is not just for the elite. It’s for everyone, and it should be proclaimed in the streets. It might even strike us as borderline obnoxious. “Lady Wisdom,” Kenneth Aitken says, “is no gentle persuader. She shouts, pleads, scolds, reasons, threatens, warns, and even laughs.”[5]