Are you struggling to have a consistent personal worship routine? If so, I invite you to sign up for The Monday Christian Daily Devotional.
Since January, our community of daily devotional readers has grown as we've worked our way through the Old Testament. Now, we're about to start the New Testament by taking a close look at the life of Christ. If you'd like to see the top ten unique features of this devotional that set it apart from other resources available, you can click here.
It's pretty simple. One email arrives in your inbox at 4 AM Pacific/7 AM EST. In this email, you'll receive just over 1,000 words of content that gives you fresh insights on a passage of Scripture, a prayer to meditate on, and an application section that shows how you can put this passage into practice.
I'll include a few testimonials below, but I'd love for you to be a part. While most online devotional programs don't provide access to the authors, I like to interact with my readers. If you sign up and have questions about what you're reading, I include a daily comments section where I engage with those who have questions.
Click Here to get started!
"Warning: These devotionals can be very convicting. It takes Bible reading to a whole new level and it's format demands a response. Depending on your spiritual condition, it can be a battle of the wills...your will versus God's will...these devotionals probe and guide to help resolve that conflict." - Alan
"I appreciate the format; a link to the portion of scripture within the post, along with the comments and prayer section. I also like that weekends are from Psalms and gives new perspective aside from the weekday reading. Parts of the Old Testament have been a challenge for me to understand and find a daily application to my life, so I look forward each day to your thoughts. You help the "boring" parts make sense." - Faithe
"I love The Monday Christian. It's informative, understandable, and applicable to my everyday life. The Monday Christian gets every day off to a spiritual jump-start for me." - Deb
"I have been using the Monday Christian devotion and reading plan since the beginning of the year. I especially appreciate the devotionals that go along with the daily readings. I am gaining a new appreciation for how all scripture points to Christ. I would definitely recommend this plan." - Viola