In the Beginning, There Was God (Genesis 1)
In Genesis 1, we see the foundation for all of Scripture. God is our creator. We were made in his image. And our responsibility is to steward all we’ve been given.

Genesis 1
Today's Scripture Passage
A Few Thoughts to Consider
What is Genesis 1 all about?
This is a question that has brought sharp division among certain Christian groups.
Biblical scholar John Walton writes, “It is regrettable that an account of such beauty has become such a bloodied battleground, but that is indeed the case.”[1] While scholars have differing views, in The Reason for God, Keller writes, “I think Genesis 1 has the earmarks of poetry and is therefore a ‘song’ about the wonder and meaning of God’s creation. Genesis 2 is an account of how it happened.”[2]
If this is the case, how should we view this passage? I think Sandra Richter offers a helpful perspective when she writes,