How Jesus Was the Perfect Sacrifice (Hebrews 10)

Why did Jesus need to die and shed his blood for our sins? To many, this seems barbaric. But the moral parameters of God's creation demand that every sin receive just punishment.

How Jesus Was the Perfect Sacrifice (Hebrews 10)

Hebrews 10

Today's Scripture Passage

A Few Thoughts to Consider

Why did Jesus need to die and shed his blood for our sins?

To many, this seems barbaric. But the moral parameters of God's creation demand that every sin receive just punishment. While Western society might think this cruel, in areas of the globe where injustice, child slavery, and abuse of women run rampant, eternal justice offers hope and perspective amid tremendous pain. From a Christian perspective, no evil deed goes unpunished. This was a concept God instilled in his people from the beginning of creation. 

Keep in mind that in ancient Israel, there were four levels of sin: Sins of ignorance, sins of omission, intentional sins, and high-handed sins. To drive home the severity and horrible nature of sin, God instituted a structure of animal sacrifices. "All sin had to be atoned for, including sin committed by a common person (Leviticus 4:27), the priests (Leviticus 4:3), the leaders (Leviticus 4:22), and the nation as a whole (Leviticus 4:13). In addition to the sacrifices made for sin were offerings for ceremonial cleansing, which involved no moral failing, and voluntary sacrifices made in thanksgiving to God."[1]

What makes Hebrews 10 so powerful is its concise summary of the gospel and how it shows humanity that Christ is the perfect answer to sin. As George Guthrie notes, this passage offers us three important truths:

(1) We have a problem with sin, even if we are ritualistically religious. Rituals cannot place us in right relationship with God and cleanse our consciences from guilt.

(2) The problem of sin has been dealt with in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

(3) Christ's work is decisive, a final reckoning with sin by which participants in the new covenant are made perfect forever.[2]