God’s Hard Cure for Grumbling
Have you ever grown impatient with God and started to grumble? If so, Numbers 21 offers a word of caution and shows us there is a line we shouldn’t cross. Numbers 13-20 chronicles more of the same patterns of Israel.

Have you ever grown impatient with God and started to grumble? If so, Numbers 21 offers a word of caution and shows us there is a line we shouldn’t cross. Numbers 13-20 chronicles more of the same patterns of Israel.
Our greatest desire in life should be to have a relationship with him so strong that eternity feels like a natural transition.
Jesus cast his bread in pursuit of relationships. The preacher of Ecclesiastes cast his bread in pursuit of pleasure.
The major component missing in the preacher’s life was not the quantity of things but the quality of rich relationships.
The reason the preacher of Ecclesiastes lived an unfulfilled life was that he “cast his bread” in pursuit of a hollow return.