TMCP 146: Katie Schnack On What To Do When Everything Is Not Fine
"I'm fine" or "Yes, I'm doing great thank you." We get used to throwing around these phrases even when life is anything but fine. So what do we do? How should we live when life is not okay? In this episode, Katie Schnack offers a few suggestions.

Katie Schnack is a writer and book publicist. She is the author of The Gap Decade: When You're Technically an Adult but Really Don't Feel Like it Yet. Her articles have appeared in such places as Relevant,, Hello Giggles, Romper, and Scary Mommy. She grew up in Minnesota playing duck duck gray duck, learned to say "bless your heart" in Texas, lived in a four-hundred-square-foot apartment in New York (okay, Jersey City, actually, but it was close enough to Manhattan), and has a love-hate relationship with Cheetos but is also oddly obsessed with spinach smoothies. Katie and her family now live in West Palm Beach, Florida, on an acre of land with five chickens, three goats, and a senior mini pony.
Episode Talking Points:
- How do you write your first book?
- Hiking adventures
- Raising a son with VACTERL
- How hard times shape us
- A simple prayer to pray each morning