TMCP 143: Kyla Gillespie on How She Dealt with Gender Dysphoria
How should Christians respond to those in the transgender community? In this episode, Kyla shares her personal story of transformation.
Kyla Gillespie was born in BC, Canada. Being raised in a Christian home, she came to faith in Jesus Christ at a young age. As early as the age of five, she began to experience gender dysphoria. In her teens, wrestling with both same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria, life became difficult. She spent her late teens and adult years as a Professional Women's Hockey Player. After a lifelong battle with Gender Identity, in 2011 she fully transitioned from female to male. While living as a male for six years, God revealed himself to her in a powerful way. Since then she has fully de-transitioned and is now living out her God-given gender and sexuality as a woman in pursuit of Jesus.
Kyla has a passion for teaching, speaking and sharing the Gospel. She travels within Canada and the USA and would love to travel the world sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Kyla has been working on writing blogs, and podcasts. She has been a contributor to The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender in film and Conferences.
Her deep desire is to make Jesus known and help other Christians be better equipped to love the LGBTQ+ community. Kyla is an active and involved member of her local Church, Gospel City, in Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada.
Episode Talking Points
- Kyla's growing up years in a Christian home
- The separation of Kyla's parents at age 14
- Kyla's alcoholism and the suppression of pain
- Kyla's transition
- God's Rock and detransition
- "All in under Christ"
- The cost of discipling others
- Fulfillment in Christ alone
- Unconditional love for image bearers
Kyla's Twitter
Kyla's testimony on youtube
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